Thursday, February 2, 2012

Local Time - The Free Encyclopedia - Wikipedia

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Atime zoneis a region on Earth with a unvarying with regard to legal, commercial, along with interpersonal purposes. In order to the same clock time period to usually correspond towards exact portion on the day while the actual Earth rotates (for example, the sunlight staying with its highest place daily about noon), different sites with the Earth really need diverse time clock times. Time specific zones happen to be used in modern times so in the same way situated cities can certainly preserve exactly the same time, for simpleness and also ease of communication.

History Early timekeeping Railroad time Worldwide time frame zones Definition Notation with occasion ISO 8601 UTC Offsets from UTC Abbreviations UTC offsets throughout the world UTC 12:00 . UTC 07:00 UTC 06:00 . UTC 01:00 UTC 00:00 . UTC+05:45 UTC+06:00 . UTC+11:30 UTC+12:00 . UTC+14:00 Oceania / North America / Antarctica North in addition to South America / Antarctica Africa / Asia / Antarctica Asia / Antarctica Asia / Oceania / Antarctica No DST in summer DST within the summer months No DST inside summer months DST in the summer months No DST around summer time DST in summer months No DST within summer DST inside summer months No DST within summer time DST with summertime /N: US - /N: US - /N: GB , PT -, - / KI -, RU - /S: NZ - / /S: NZ /N: US - BO, CO, PA, PE /N: - TN, CG, CD-, DZ, NE , NG /N: AT, BA, BE, CH, CZ, DE , ES-, FR, HR, HU, IT, LI, LU, MK, S: NA -, MN-, VN, LA, TH, KH, - / - / /S: AQ - Europe: BY /N: , , , BG, GR, MD, RO, TR CN, HK, ID -, MN-, MY, -, SG, TW, / - /S: CA - / /S: BR - Europe: BY, RU -, Africa: KE, SD, SO, SS, ER, Asia: IQ, SA / JP , KP, KR, ID - / / / - /N: -, - / -, / - / /N: -, - / -, PK / - / XX = ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 united states code, XX- = aspects of the particular country, N = North, S = South, UTC = Daylight Saving Time List connected with UTC offsets Time zone Example period (ISO 8601 notation) Example places Example places that throughout summer make use of DST 2011-11-04T03:04:26 Baker Island , Howland Island (both uninhabited) 2011-11-04T04:04:26 American Samoa , Samoa 2011-11-04T05:04:26 Aleutian Islands , Hawaii ) 2011-11-04T05:34:26 Marquesas Islands 2011-11-04T06:04:26 Gambier Islands Alaska ) 2011-11-04T07:04:26 Canada (most regarding Mexico (Baja California ), California , almost all of Nevada , a lot of , ) 2011-11-04T08:04:26 Mexico (Sonora ), ( ) Canada (Alberta ), Mexico (Chihuahua ), Colorado ) 2011-11-04T09:04:26 Costa Rica , El Salvador , Ecuador (Gal pagos Islands ), Honduras , Mexico (most), Nicaragua , Canada (Manitoba , Saskatchewan ), Illinois , nearly all of ) 2011-11-04T10:04:26 Colombia , Ecuador (continental), Haiti , Jamaica , Panama , Peru Canada (most connected with Ontario , a lot of Florida , Georgia , Massachusetts , almost all of Michigan , New York , North Carolina , Ohio , ) 2011-11-04T10:34:26 2011-11-04T11:04:26 Bolivia , Amazonas ), Chile (continental), Dominican Republic , Canada (Nova Scotia ), Paraguay , , 2011-11-04T11:34:26 Canada (Newfoundland ) 2011-11-04T12:04:26 ( , , ), many with , 2011-11-04T13:04:26 Fernando de Noronha ), South Georgia plus the South Sandwich Islands 2011-11-04T14:04:26 Portugal (Cape Verde 2011-11-04T15:04:26 Faroe Islands , Ghana , Iceland , Senegal continental plus Madeira ), Spain (Canary Islands ), Morocco , 2011-11-04T16:04:26 Angola , Cameroon , Nigeria , Albania , Algeria , Belgium , Bosnia as well as Herzegovina , Spain (continental), Denmark , Germany , Kinshasa , Kosovo , Macedonia , France (metropolitan ), your Netherlands , Norway , Poland , Serbia , Slovakia , Slovenia , , 2011-11-04T17:04:26 Libya , Egypt , Malawi , Mozambique , South Africa , , Estonia , Finland , Israel , Jordan , Latvia , Lebanon , Lithuania , Moldova , Palestine , , , , 2011-11-04T18:04:26 Belarus , Djibouti , Kenya , Madagascar , Russia (Kaliningrad Oblast ), Saudi Arabia , South Sudan , Somalia , South Sudan , , , 2011-11-04T18:34:26 2011-11-04T19:04:26 Georgia , Mauritius , Oman , Seychelles , 2011-11-04T19:34:26 Afghanistan 2011-11-04T20:04:26 Kazakhstan (West), Maldives , Pakistan , 2011-11-04T20:34:26 India , 2011-11-04T20:49:26 Nepal 2011-11-04T21:04:26 Kazakhstan (most), Bangladesh , Chelyabinsk Oblast ) 2011-11-04T21:34:26 Cocos Islands , 2011-11-04T22:04:27 Jakarta , Russia (Novosibirsk Oblast ), , 2011-11-04T23:04:27 China , Hong Kong , Russia (Malaysia , Philippines , Singapore , , almost all of Mongolia, 2011-11-05T00:04:27 East Timor , Russia (Japan , North Korea , South Korea 2011-11-05T00:34:27 Northern Territory ) South Australia ) 2011-11-05T01:04:27 Russia ( ) New South Wales , , , ) 2011-11-05T01:34:27 Lord Howe Island 2011-11-05T02:04:27 New Caledonia , Russia (Solomon Islands 2011-11-05T02:34:27 Norfolk Island 2011-11-05T03:04:27 Fiji , Russia (Kamchatka Krai ) New Zealand 2011-11-05T03:49:27 Chatham Islands 2011-11-05T04:04:27 2011-11-05T05:04:27 Kiribati (Line Islands ) Time zone conversions "time in zoom A" "UTC balanced out to get area A" = "time inside zoom B" "UTC counteract for area B", "time with area B" = "time around zone A" "UTC balanced out to get zone A" + "UTC canceled out for zone B". period inside Los Angeles = 09:30 ( 05:00) + ( 08:00) = 06:30 moment inside Delhi = 09:30 ( 05:00) + (+5:30) = 20:00 Nautical time frame areas Skewing connected with zones Daylight preserving time frame Additional information Internet plus portable computers Operating models Unix Microsoft Windows Programming languages Java JavaScript PHP Python 22] Negated time frame zone canceled out with minutes is stored time.timezone in addition to time.altzone attributes. Smalltalk Databases TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE Stores particular date along with occasion tips with that countered coming from UTC TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE Stores night out plus period info by using esteem for the dbtimezone (which can't be adjusted as long as there is certainly a column in the db of your type), routinely modifying the actual date in addition to period from the filed occasion zone for the customer's session moment zone. PostgreSQL TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE Stores time and also time throughout UTC along with converts towards client's area period area (which could be numerous for each client) regarding display purposes. TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE Stores date as well as occasion which has no conversion process on input or perhaps output. Applications Microsoft Outlook Time specific zones within outer area See additionally References

Economics with Time Zones PDF (1.89 MB)

ISBN 978-0-7858-2573-9 ; ISBN 0-7858-2573-8 ; BINC: 3099794. pp 31

Cooper, Bruce C. Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum 2005

Annual article belonging to the Commissioner of Railroads made to the particular Secretary from the Interior to the season arriving June 30, 1883 , pp. nineteen 20. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1883.

from scienzagiovane, Bologna University, Italy.

Gianluigi Parmeggiani (Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna),

The Astronomical Almanac 1983, U S Government Printing Office (Washington) plus Her Majesty's Stationery Office (London), web site B4.

Bowditch, Nathaniel. American Practical Navigator. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1925, 1939, 1975.

Hill, John C., Thomas F. Utegaard, Gerard Riordan. Dutton's Navigation in addition to Piloting. Annapolis: United States Naval Institute, 1958.

ISBN 0-19-215948-8 .

Doug O'Hara (2007-03-11). .

Canonical Ltd. . 2008-08-06.

International CNN



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